Thursday 5 September 2013

Mesut NOzil

This transfer window has been a lively one, the arrival of Gareth Bale from Spurs to Madrid for a record fee of around £85m was a huge talking point but I want to focus on another big one, the signing of Mesut Ozil from Madrid to Arsenal. I think he is a good player, but a poor signing from Wenger. The reason why I believe he was a poor signing, was because Arsenal now have huge depth in their ball playing midfielders whilst are lacking strikers, center backs and defensive midfielders. Its like  have baby wipes and buying more baby wipes when you have run out of nappies, it makes no sense. Arsenal fans may argue that they have defensive midfielders in Aaron Ramsey, Mathieu Flamini and even Jack Wilshire. But I beg to differ as Ramesey and Wilshire are deep lying playmakers, big difference? YES! For those who don't know, a deep lying playmaker is a player who gets the ball from deep and starts off the move, such as Jack Wilshire or one of the best in the world, Andrea Pirlo. However, a defensive midfielder is a player whos tackles start off a move, such as Lee Catemole. My favorite defensive midfielder ever has to be Claude Makelele because I think he made Frank Lampard look good, due to his defensive ability.
So in saying that I believe Ozil was not the best signing by any stretch of the imagination. In my opinion securing the signatures of Lars Bender for Bayer Leverkusen and Ashley Williams for Swansea would have been a better deal and cost maybe £2m or £3m more than Ozil. But fair play to Wenger for one more time:
Panic Buying
Papering over cracks 
and getting the fans to think that Ozil was the best signing since Eric Cantonas move from Leeds to Man United.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Lets Call This My Introduction

Hi, Alexander is the name, for those who don't know. Welcome to my blog, its on football, football, football and more football. If you are a football fan this blog is for you, if you are not, this blog is still for you as i'll get you into football quicker than Idris Alba got black middle aged women into Luther. I'm witty, humorous but have real passion for the beautiful game. I will be talking about mainly players, boots,the different races in football and football clubs and decisions they make.

Feedback is always welcomed.
For any queries Email me.